Amsterdam. Porn vs Food Porn

So I went to he city that never sleeps (or is that Vegas?!) and I was shocked! Not just at the HUGE array of sexual things out in public on display but by the other end of the spectrum too! This city is so full of contrasts, almost hypocritical. By day this city is so beautiful to ride or walk around, the gorgeous little canals, bumping around on your bike on the cobblestones, filling my face with dutch apple and cinnamon pancake, picture perfect (well the bike ride anyway)! By night however the city lights up, the red light district is full to the brim, buzzing with people eager to see the sex trade at full roar, I’m no prude but I found this just too confronting for my likes. Maybe it has to be with being a woman you unintentionally put yourselves in the shoes of those girls behind the glass panes and their dirty rooms and beds behind them, the romanticised image in my head was certainly not what I came face to face with in real life. Perhaps its also because I know too much about the illegal sex trade and the slavery that happens, maybe I need to stop watching tv… by any means, it wasn’t for me. But there was a part of Amsterdam that DEFINITELY WAS for me, big shout out to my friends Meagan and Glenn who took me to a beautiful organic food market on my very first outing in the city. Now I didn’t have Amsterdam pegged for food but upon reflection that seems pretty silly, the whole city would have the munchies! What I was looking at though was no snack food, no quick fix, this was glorious organic food heaven! There were rows of vegetables, fresh pastas, delicious baked goods, cheese (oh so much cheese, someone restrain me), and mushrooms, lots and lots of mushrooms. Not the type of mushrooms I thought I would find in Amsterdam but you can see in my photos there were a LOT of them! Everything from your average portabellos to shitakes, enokis and chantarelles, I imagined all the beautiful things I could do with this delicious fungus and with truffle season almost upon us the possibilities are almost endless. Anyway I was whisked away all too soon but probably a good thing since I wanted to sample just about everything I saw and would’ve had to be rolled out otherwise, ironically just like the all the round cheeses I was gawking at. Dinner was amazing, succulent fish and vegetables at Fa speijkervet where they have the option of ‘the beast’ on the menu where they literally buy a whole animal and use as much of it as possible… pork brain terrine, I wasn’t game to order a whole one but I had a little taste, it was a bit like cold fatty ham, not my finest hour. In order to fully experience Amsterdam we headed for a live sex show, needless to say a LOT of tequila had to be drunk before this was even an option for me and at the end of the night this resulted in a magnificent fall from my bike and a nice little graze to my knee just for good measure. Forget porn, give me food porn any day.










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